
Stabilus EZDown Tailgate Assists

If you have a tailgate slamming down and need new struts, Lift Supports Depot has Stabilus brand EZDown tailgate assists for all kinds of trucks. These are just what you need to get back that smooth release of your truck tailgate. Browse our product gallery below to find the perfect part for your make and model.

Long-Lasting Gas Springs

Stabilus EZ down tailgate assists are excellent for gently releasing your tailgate or trunk. The durable components in these gas spring lifts last for years. Lift Supports Depot offers a 5-year warranty, so you can be sure you are receiving an excellent product made for everyday use. With gas spring tailgate lifts, you can let go of the fear of forgetting to lower your tailgate manually due to a potential slam. Stabilus struts ensure your tailgate or trunk is released smoothly for years to come. 

Finding your new set of tailgate assists is a simple search. Enter your vehicle’s year, make, model, and trim, and find the tailgate lifts you are looking for in seconds. One of the best aspects of the lift is the DIY installation ability. Our team of experts provides instructions and tips on how to install your new supports without taking your vehicle to a professional.

A Company That Supports Your Needs

Lift Support Depot is here to help make your truck tailgate safer with trusted Stabilus EZ down tailgate assists. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our team of professionals for a personal consultation about your vehicle's lift needs. Shop for Stabilus struts today!

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